At 1:00 AM yesterday morning, our flight home landed after a long travel day home from the ASHE conference in Anaheim. After a check in at R.A.S.K. & Associates, Inc. headquarters, I packed my truck for the National Sporting Clay Assn 2024 US Open. I’ve never shot in one and I couldn’t be more excited! Obviously, things still need to get done and people still communicate…which is why I love these cheesy little work stations in budget-friendly hotel rooms 😂
This US Open shoot needs a bit of clarification. Many people have said “Congratulations!” when I mention that I was shooting it this year. To be clear, I did not have to qualify for this. I simply signed up, paid the fees and drove up here. The shooters here are the best in the country…and I’m a decent shooter for Indiana…but I’m here to compete. My ONLY goals for this first-time (for me) event are to attend, collect stories/experiences, be a good squad mate, and build/trust my process when shooting.
Next week, I’ll have the opportunity to host a group of #HealthcareFacilitiesManagers with Indiana Society for Healthcare Engineering at Victory Field for a baseball game with my partners Abby Lauck, PMP, Edwin Frieden, and Nick Millspaugh as well as represent my team at the annual BOMA Indiana golf outing before leaving for the @Iowa Sporting Clays Association annual state shoot.
Life is busy but good. “Balance” is not something I seek…I much prefer “harmony”…happy to discuss that if anyone is curious about the difference.
#businessfriends #gunclubnetworking #snowandicemanagement #commerciallandscape
Community Outreach Account Executive at Orlando City & Pride
6moGo, Zoe L. & Larissa Campelo!!