Summa Equity completes EUR 800m Fortum Recycling & Waste - Part of NG Group, combining with NG Group: “We are creating the Nordic leader in the circular economy” Bertrand Camus, Partner at Summa and Chairman of the Board, NG Group, comments: "Fortum Recycling & Waste recently stunned the industry by successfully creating the world’s first biodegradable plastic produced from CO2 emissions. By joining forces with NG Group, we are uniting our strengths to become a vital component of the Nordic industrial infrastructure. Waste-to-resources will be one of the most attractive investment opportunities in private equity over the next ten years.” Read the press release here: Reynir Indahl, Bertrand Camus, Aurélia CARRERE, Silje Lambrechts, Annette Roth, Johan Carlsson, Martin Collin, Sundeep Singh Hannah Jacobsen
Indeed an impactful and important investment in circularity, paving the way for value creation through waste-to-resources. Well done!
Congratulations Summa Equity and NG Group! I have the most memorable and passionate colleagues from Fortum Waste Solutions across the whole Nordics! Excellent acquisition! 👏 🥳
Congrats to all involved on the success.
Mes félicitations Bertrand Camus! solution à deux grands enjeux environmentaux : carbone et plastique!
Congratulations Bertrand Camus Aurélia CARRERE
Congratulations Summa!
Partner at Quilvest Capital Partners
1moCongradulations to Summa Equity, NG Group and Fortum Recycling & Waste - Part of NG Group teams. All the very best for the exciting journey ahead!