Music and social cohesion. We’ve all seen this, as a parent in music groups with young children, as teachers leading class music activities, at community events such as football matches, live music gigs, church……. Strangers coming together through musical activity. Music brings us together, synchronising neural activity, producing endorphins, oxytocin, seratonin and dopamine, promoting bonding, happiness and empathy. If we could bottle this we’d be millionaires. Even better, we can harness this, with little effort, to boost social cohesion/empathy….creating connections and a happier community to live in. We just need to give everyone the chance to be involved in music making everyday, children and adults. Music central to education curriculum, central to NHS social prescribing, central to life. 🎶 #earlychildhoodeducation #musiceducation #musicforhealth
Music learning matters 👏 Our question for you today - what is a group musical experience that left a lasting impression on you? Was it with people you know? Strangers? How did it feel to experience a collective connection due to music? #MusicTrainsBrains #BiggerBetterBrains #BBB
So well said Sue, thank you for sharing your thoughts. If ONLY we could bottle it indeed!