Yes Ursula von der Leyen, “boosting #DataDriven #Innovation and #Digitalisation, based on forward-looking technologies like #AI and #AutonomousDriving,” is essential!
For ALL European industries.
The EU’s Strategic Dialogue for the #Automotive Industry is timely —but can it overcome the mistakes of the past?
Europe’s auto sector has often stumbled when it came to defining a sustainable future. Take VW’s #XL1 —a 1L/100km marvel —or Audi’s #A2 with its lightweight aluminum body.
Visionary concepts, yet abandoned. Why?
Instead, #Dieselgate, #pimping and #supersizing shattered trust in leadership.
How will the EU ensure accountability this time?
Mobility should be simple: moving from A to B —whether via basic or advanced designs, comfort, digital features, driving assistance, propulsion type, and so on.
Yet today’s cars feel like Tamagotchis—demanding more time, money, and attention—while giving very little back.
Europe must strike a balance between innovation, sustainability, and trust if it wants to lead not just the global automotive sector but the broader #industrial #transformation.
Industris are not silos. They are connected!
Will this new initiative deliver? Time will tell. I hope so.
For now, my enthusiasm for contemporary cars has dimmed. But Europe’s relevance remains its strength.
When people are asked where they’d want to live, work, and spend their time, Europe still scores exceptionally high.
What a starting point for the next chapter!
But we must sober up, refresh, and recommit to leadership.
N.B. #England —pull yourselves together! Admit #populism isn’t a recipe for the future, and do everything you can to re-ENTER. Never mind that Doggerland is submerged —we’re still connected 😊
The auto industry is a European pride.
Million of jobs depend on it.
We need to support this industry in the transition ahead.
Today we launched a Strategic Dialogue so that the future of the car industry is built in Europe.
I will be glad to chair its first meeting in January.
Read more here →!B6KKtq