The last two Fridays saw two webinar panels each for the event I organised with Luiz Guilherme Burlamaqui on Sporting and bodily practice encounters between Latin America and Europe. We had a total of 15 presentations over the four panels, with presenters from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, the UK and Uruguay. Topics ranged from exploring various football tours to Latin America and Europe, the experiences and impact of male and female athletes travelling between continents, transnational fan experiences and identity linkages, press narratives of sport and physical exercise, and the impact of P.E instructors, referees and other intermediaries on developing sport and networks. Various key issues emerged across the four panels such as the demythologisation, challenging and embedding of stereotypes, the importance of the intermediaries and facilitators at the core of the networks and flows of exchange, the importance of examining other sporting and physical experiences to move away from a football-centric focus, and the use of comparative work between countries and nations. Many thanks to all who presented, namely Alejo Levoratti, Alex Jackson, Alberto Mallada, Andrés Felipe Hernández Acosta, Cesar Andrés Casas Murillo, Fernanda Ribeiro Haag, Paola Dogliotti, Juan Antonio Simón, Kevin Rozo Rondón, Luis Rojo, Rodrigo Koch, José Carlos Marques, Marcelo Viana, Fernando Lourenço Filho, Sebastián Cerrillo, Vitória Lima Nascimento, as well as those who attended.
We will be considering building on this webinar with either a special edition for a journal or perhaps an edited volume. Please do get in contact with me if you would be interested in joining such a project on the same topic as the webinar.
Fluglotse und Bordtechniker für Startups. ExtremBullshitAllergiker... Machen und nicht Pitchen ....
5moSee you there!..Alle die ihre Leadership Skills und ihre Teamfähigkeit und "Circular Economy Thinking" bei einer 100 km oder 180 km Runde verbessern möchten. Meldet euch an und/oder spendet. Es geht darum Geld für die HPV Krebs Forschung zu sammeln. Wir möchten das aber eben auch mit einer Radtour verbinden. Die 100er Runde wird mit einsteigerfreundlichem Schnitt von 28 km/h gefahren, die 180er eher um die 30 km/h. Teilt den Beitrag, reagiert auf den Beitrag, spendet und kommt vorbei. Es ist auch immer wieder ein hervorragendes Vernetzen während der Fahrt. Also Guter Zweck, Gute Radtour und Gute Menschen. Wenn das euch triggert...