Spellbook reposted this
Something *big* is coming to clause drafting in Spellbook this week. Hint: Clauses will be able to be pulled from a new place. It's something users have wanted since we launched Spellbook. Any guesses? 🤔
Directly from the mind of someone who’s drafted complex intellectual property agreements for 25+ years?
Imported from GitHub (hopefully)?
Scott, I can send you the first relevant CVs for a Sr frontend engineer position within just 3 days. If you're interested, feel free to DM me.
Amanda, I can send you the first relevant CVs for a Sr frontend engineer position within just 3 days. If you're interested, feel free to DM me.
Global repository of clauses, cleaned of proprietary info?
Sounds like Perplexity type functionality for business users?
Love this. Great product releases.
Interested in law and legal work
2moWell, given that TR Ventures are an investor, presumably Practical Law!