How do you help families reduce the stress around finding the "right college" that leads to the "right career"?
By using the same career development strategies and tools that career development professionals use.
As an educational consultant, investing upfront time delving into your student's values, strengths, personality style, interests, and skills is crucial. This comprehensive approach helps determine how these capabilities can translate into future work and college choices.
While this strategy requires a deeper understanding of career development techniques, implementing these strategies is worthwhile. You'll find that it narrows down the number of majors and career options to those that fit the student best. This not only provides clarity and relief for the student but also engages them more proactively in the college and career decision-making process.
But, we get it. You're busy and don't have time for extensive career development training and it can be challenging to figuring out what career assessments and activities to invest in for you and your practice.
So, how do you get just the career development knowledge and the guidance you need without investing a lot of time and money?
By learning from seasoned career development professionals like us who have a lot of expertise in the career development field and also understand the needs of busy educational consultants.
Join us on Thursday, 6/6/24 from 12:00-1:00pm EDT to gain insights into how you go about identifying student capabilities and guide them through the career and college fit process.
We will also introduce you to My Career Design Studio,™ an all-in-one toolkit (developed by one of our presenters, Ronda) that provides a comprehensive student assessment, step-by-step activities to help your student narrow down their career choices, and provides resources that will help your student explore the day-to-day responsibilities of careers that might fit them.
Ready to learn how to de-stress the college-to-career journey? Click here to grab your seat today!