A horrible, horrible day to be a marketer. No one will listen to you. No one will want to buy your product (the 2024 budget is spent). So we decided just to show something completely irrelevant to Semrush. . . . . . THIS MESSAGE IS FOR PETS ONLY. 🥣 Here's our Semrush ceramic pet bowl that'll hold your favorite thing: food. https://lnkd.in/eJJ6GBag.
Waiting for my salary!
A funny solution for a crazy time. Well done!
This is incredible, well played 😂
How do I tag my dog
LOVE this, so relatable and smart
Now, this is an impressive way to capture attention 🤩
This is why I love semrush. Genius post 😂
Cutest and smartest way to promote Semrush :)
This is hilarious and smart!