#Desire, #Deserve and #Detach
As soon I entered the well of our #ShopFloor associates, at Tata Green Batteries last week, during my #BlessWell (Farewell), I was lost in emotions , hugs, Jadu ki jhappis and felt like swimming together in an ocean of connected humans. An immersive experience of what we can be together in our truthful relationships, in just 15 months, when #Authenticity is practiced every minute with #Trust and #Challenge.
My grand parents always taught us, 'First Deserve then Desire'.
In an ever changing world, this remains valid and relevant, but just with a change of order and with an additional 3rd D.
In the era of #InstantGratification and so much #Distractions, Desire must precedes Deserve, to pull every drop of energy towards a focused direction. Without having a dream to arise and awake, the path to deserve will never happen. First #Disha then #Dasha. So, First Desire and then work relentlessly to Deserve.
Let's cherish our #Dreams, they fill us with energy and sparkle in our eyes. without them we will be walking dead. A quick reflection around you in meetings, in society, in restaurants, in parks, in traffic, it's easy to spot more and more walking deads, let's reverse it. let's bring more life to our work and surroundings.
Awareness of loosing what we have, can either make us dipressed or push us to live it with highest intensity in the present moment, full of gratitude and bliss and that's what Detachment brings wonder to our lives, if directed well.
I owe to these 1300+ people there, a great debt of gratitude to give me a reason everyday in last 15 months for building #NayeIndiakiNayiBattery, these real bosses of mine for last 15 months and their love and affection is the only real payback of my #EaglePain of turning around efforts there.
In my native #Maithili language, it spells in the right order:
#Ruchab, #Jurab and #Pachab
You need to have Desire, then you attain/receive it, have it and then be able to digest. Very close to Desire, Deserve and Detach. What you say?