If you're looking for an exceedingly worthy cause for your year-end giving on #ColoradoGivesDay2024, look no further than Safe Passage Children's Advocacy Center What happens when kids are abused and have to go through "the system"? Well, before Safe Passage, they had to individually navigate each criminal justice and social services agency on their own. Imagine being a kid going through the worst possible moment of your life, and having to be questioned about it repeatedly by police, healthcare workers, district attorneys, mental health providers, foster care providers, and so on. And that's assuming you even know about any of those social services, and that you have an adult advocate to drive you around to their different facilities all across town, and so on. No matter how well-meaning each individual agency may be, they can't take responsibility for the big picture. But Safe Passage can, and does. Child victims come to the Safe Passage facility, which *co-locates* representatives from all of these agencies, and shepherds the kiddos through them. Kids get questioned ONCE, by a professional forensic interviewer who provides all the care and support and dignity the child needs, while also being skilled at ensuring their testimony will stand up in court. Kids then have access to on-site medical, mental health, housing services, and so on. It's the only co-located facility of its kind in Colorado. I know there are a ton of worthy organizations out there, but as Treasurer for Safe Passage, I can say with 100% certainty that your gifts will truly and directly help these kids. Thank you for anything you can give! https://lnkd.in/gi6HBNM5
Sean McKeown’s Post
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Running Boston? Do those two words send excitement coursing through your veins? If so, might you consider running next year’s Boston Marathon in support of YouthConnect? As you may know, the heart and soul of the Boston Marathon is the runners who spend their weekends and lots of other hours running in the freezing cold, pouring rain and blistering heat to train and be ready for the world’s best marathon. They run to raise funds for a cause they care deeply about, one that is impacting the lives of their fellow humans. This year’s Boston hosted 30,000 participants with a charitable impact of a record $45.7 million raised for 160 organizations. Might you or someone you know want to join those heroes and run in 2025 for YouthConnect? YouthConnect is an innovative and unique program that provides violence prevention, intervention, advocacy and mental health services to young people who are involved in the criminal justice system and their families. All services are confidential, voluntary and free. By placing licensed, clinical social workers in Boston police stations, YouthConnect works to address the underlying problems and social emotional issues that contribute to juvenile crime and delinquency. This is an exciting time for YouthConnect. A long-time program of the Boys & Girls Club of Boston, YouthConnect is soon to be an independent 5013c. We need financial support more than ever. As a Board member I know the impact of this work and it is amazing. YouthConnect is fortunate to have two bibs available, one has been taken. If you or someone you know would be up for this challenge please let me know! One last pitch, if you are rounding off your year of charitable giving, please consider YouthConnect. The impact of your dollars is felt across our City by many families who benefit from the care and dedication of our social workers. Thanks! Happy Holidays!
Support YouthConnect - Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston
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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and I hope you will join me in supporting Between Friends, a wonderful organization that supports survivors while also educating youth to break the cycle of violence in future generations. https://lnkd.in/g6CJESV9 Here are just a few ways your dollars will be put to good work: Support Essentials $25 Supports the cost of basic household items for individuals and families surviving violence, ensuring they feel supported and nourished. Transportation $50 Covers one month of transportation costs for a survivor to come to our office for in-person counseling support. Expressive Arts Therapy $100 Supports 10 expressive arts therapy sessions for children - a proven way for children who have witnessed domestic violence to heal. Legal Advocacy $200 Helps two survivors with legal advocacy supports from our advocates who can help with filing an Order of Protection, accompany survivors to court to provide emotional support and help navigate the complex legal system. 24-Hour Crisis Line $250 Funds one day of our emergency 24-hour crisis line services for survivors. Our help line offers crisis support, referrals, safety planning, and more. Teen Dating Violence Prevention $500 Provides four sessions of our teen dating violence prevention programming - Relationship Education: A Choices for Hope (REACH).
Help provide counseling and court advocacy for DV survivors, and prevention and education services.
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Is your will, advance health directive and financial power of attorney complete and up to date? What about beneficiary designations attached to life policies and investment accounts? While I wrote the piece below to help nonprofits leverage the upcoming National Estate Planning Awareness Week (October 21), this week is also a reminder for all of us to stay on top of these important estate planning details for the benefit of our loved ones. Oh, and if you need a simple will and associated documents that can be created online in minutes, visit LifeLegacy! #NEPAW #estateplanning #lastwill&testament #lifelegacy #plannedgiving https://lnkd.in/eUtK3ggV
5 Things Nonprofits Can Do to Prepare for National Estate Planning Awareness Week, October 21-27, 2024
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262 days with ZERO SAFE HAVE ACCESS for ALL youth in Ocean and Monmouth County, NJ (approx 162,813 10 to 19 year-olds without any local help). Newark is the ONLY option for youth under 18 - for many in Ocean County, this city is over an hour away. It DEMANDS YOUTH LEAVE their self-made support networks made up of peers, teachers and coaches. It FORCES YOUNG PEOPLE to leave their communities. And it INSISTS URBAN CITIES foot the bill for suburban youth. This is NOT the way evidence shows is best for addressing the mental, emotional, and behavioral needs of youth and families in need of support services. Youth have a FEDERAL RIGHT to runaway and stay safe. If we deny them local safe refuge, they are more at-risk of human and CHILD TRAFFICKING, offering SURVIVAL SEX, and a litany of negative outcomes. Help CLCL Foundation RESTORE SANCTUARY ACCESS and expand preventative services to thwart runaway and homeless youth. There is an evidence-based, trauma-informed, antiracist and inclusive way to provide services. Problems have SOLUTIONS - only TOGETHER can we have the wisdom and power to make the difference. PM today about JOINING our MISSION! We ARE the CHANGE! Join us today! https://clclfoundation.org
HOME - CLCL Foundation
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Fatherlessness is the problem. The data doesn’t lie. Fatherhood.org states that Children without fathers: - Are four times more likely to live in poverty - Are more likely to suffer emotional and behavioral problems - Have higher levels of aggressive behavior than children born into married homes. - Have two times the risk of infant mortality. - Are more likely to go to prison. Only one in five prison inmates grew up with their father present. - Are twice as likely to be involved in early sexual activity. So, men, take hold of courage. Raise your children. And BE a father.
Father Involvement Programs for Organizations and Families | NFI
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"The Ripple Effect of Financial Abuse on Young Lives" "Child Financial Abuse at its core involves the inappropriate use of a child’s identity or assets for personal gain. Financial Abuse is a form of mistreatment often overshadowed by its physical and emotional counterparts, which wields a silent yet devastating impact on children. It is a manipulation of economic resources to exert control, and when children are the victims, the consequences can reverberate throughout their lives." This week on the Norm Therapy blog, we discuss Child Financial Abuse and the long-term impacts it can have on children. How can we prevent Child Financial Abuse? Read more to find out and show some 💌 to our Journalist, Hannah, with a share and like! [https://lnkd.in/epF9zfRv] Visit GoARO.org and NormTherapy.com and check out our campaign at https://gofund.me/86e43129. ABUSE CARE Norm Therapy®️- Live Your New Norm #ARO #NormTherapy #AbuseRecovery #mentalhealth #childfinancialabuse #manipulationandcontrol #long-termimpacts #abuse #EndAbuseNow #victim #survivor #AbuseCare #domesticviolence #volunteer #donate
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"The Ripple Effect of Financial Abuse on Young Lives" "Child Financial Abuse at its core involves the inappropriate use of a child’s identity or assets for personal gain. Financial Abuse is a form of mistreatment often overshadowed by its physical and emotional counterparts, which wields a silent yet devastating impact on children. It is a manipulation of economic resources to exert control, and when children are the victims, the consequences can reverberate throughout their lives." This week on the Norm Therapy blog, we discuss Child Financial Abuse and the long-term impacts it can have on children. How can we prevent Child Financial Abuse? Read more to find out and show some 💌 to our Journalist, Hannah, with a share and like! [https://lnkd.in/diFPAWjj] Visit GoARO.org and NormTherapy.com and check out our campaign at https://gofund.me/86e43129. ABUSE CARE Norm Therapy®️- Live Your New Norm #ARO #NormTherapy #AbuseRecovery #mentalhealth #childfinancialabuse #manipulationandcontrol #long-termimpacts #abuse #EndAbuseNow #victim #survivor #AbuseCare #domesticviolence #volunteer #donate
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Every kid deserves a safe, healthy, and happy childhood. But far too many children in state foster systems are forced to take psychotropic medications at too young an age, in dosages that are too high, in risky combinations, and without proper oversight. And too often, instead of receiving age-appropriate mental health treatment, they spend their childhoods in chemical restraints as a means to control their behavior. No child should be drugged without their consent or proper care. Children’s Rights is fighting for meaningful change to safeguard the rights of children and protect their health and well-being. Help hold governments accountable. Click the link below to donate and 2x your gift today: https://lnkd.in/dnCYD588
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The stigma of a criminal record isn't just social—it bleeds into every facet of life, constricting the opportunities of returning citizens to build a new life. Because of these barriers, some Returning Citizens may return to the activities that led to their incarceration. Our Re-entry program is designed to stop that circuit, as soon as citizens are released. Does it work? Michigan's current recidivism rate of 22.7% is one of the lowest in state history (https://bit.ly/3YRmbvL). At Catholic Charities, compassion gets the job done. Find out how: https://bit.ly/3WvWOOV Learn about Re-entry: https://bit.ly/48P7DS3 -------------------------------- #WeAreThere #BehavioralHealth #SocialWork #MentalHealth #therapy #ReEntry #Incarceration #FoodPantry #SubstanceAbuse #SubstanceAbuseTherapy #WraparoundServices #community #StabilityPrograms #CatholicCharities
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Donate Today! & #GivingTuesday https://conta.cc/493Y7KL We invite you to #JoinTheCircle to challenge the status quo and redefine what justice truly means. For 27 years, we have questioned the prevailing ideas about justice and sought to acknowledge the humanity in everyone, even those society labels as the "worst of the worst." Your support can help us continue to ask the critical questions and find #restorative solutions: - What could someone’s best be if given a chance to unlearn the roots of violence? Our Resolve to Stop the Violence Program (#RSVP) fosters accountability through restorative justice. Participants analyze the “male role belief system” and learn to embrace emotional fluency. - How can the power of the parent-child bond transcend distance and barriers? Our #OneFamily works with incarcerated parents to change their behavior and provide programming that motivates them to return to their children as productive parents and citizens. - How can young people outside of facilities own their past actions and make amends face-to-face with those they’ve harmed? Our Restorative Community Conferencing and Make It Right (#RCC and #MIR) program has an incredible 91% person-harmed satisfaction rate, compared to the mere 14% support often felt in traditional justice methods.
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