One type of faculty support that I would definitely personally take advantage of (but I don't see offered most places) is some sort of career counseling for those not (yet?) on the tenure track but who wish to stay in academia. These services are pretty robust for grad students and postdocs, but as far as I can see absent for e.g. adjuncts hoping to become permanent, staff looking to change rolls or enter teaching, or others. This sort of thing definitely exists informally in a lot of departments or communities, but it isn't something offered officially like it is for grad students.
I do some of this type of working in my coaching practice, but I've not really seen it as a formal process or support folks are offering. What would the most helpful version look like, do you think?
Inclusion of frontline workers in research too. They (we) are an untapped source of knowledge!
Think UDL podcast host/ UDL Coordinator/Senior Lecturer
8moTotally agree! I have held sessions for our VITAL faculty during new faculty orientation and throughout the year. During NFO, I get our VITAL (NTT) folks while tenure track have a "Promotion and tenure" session. The first thing to figure out is "what is success?" Success means many different things to out VITAL faculty. For some it does mean to move I to a TT line. For others it means moving from adjunct to part time (3/4-time with benefits), still others it means continuing to keep their hands in teaching while pursuing other things (FT or PT position elsewhere, family care responsibilities, retirement gigs, individual research, etc.). And the advice for each to achieve these different successes is also different, as you might expect. I love these sessions. I am VITAL, too, of course. These are my people.