One of the biggest challenges when running a business is… time ⏰ I hear it again and again. When I share what I do, people often say “Wow, I’m amazed at how you fit it all in.” However, a lot of planning goes into how I spend my days. I’m not OCD, but I do have a plan and here’s how it goes… I plan my days I plan my weeks I plan my months I plan my 90-days I plan my year Yes, it may sound a little OTT, but it isn’t, it’s so simple. We all have the same 24 hours in the day We all have 7 days a week We all have 365 days a year It’s what we do with them that counts and how we prioritise them This may shock you but I also have a priority 1. Fun, relaxation and health ☀️ 2. Family and special days 3. Work Now don’t get me wrong, my family and clients are pretty high on the list, but if I’m not healthy, relaxed, and well, then I don’t function effectively, and my productivity hits a slump. I create time by looking after myself first, so I’m as productive as I can be for others. How do you maximise your time?
Fab photo Sandra and this seems like the perfect post to ask this question - over the years I have bought planners to help with the level of planning you do . For the past few years I have used the My PA Planner - I would love to know what you and others find useful ?
Planning creates freedom 🙏🏾
A great way to prioritise. Too few put themselves any where on their priority list
LOVE this photo of you Sandra Garlick MBE
I do endeavour to do something similar Sandra.. however, the “prioritising me” bit can sometimes (often!!) get lost when the pressure builds. - love the photo 📸
Learning to maximise my time by putting me first for a change. I adore this picture! 😍✨️
I absolutely love love love this photo Sandra Garlick MBE!
Planning and actioning that planning stage is so important - without a plan where are you going? Without actions and time frames when will it get done.
So important to prioritise your health Sandra. I set boundaries around my time and time block. Love your matching red coats. Your dog just needs a hat now 😂
Blending strategy with high level business support & project management with a sprinkle of doing to help you push your business forward | Passionate about Psychology & Neurodiversity
3moI'll be honest and say I don't agree with the statement that we all have the same 24 hours. We all have 24 hours but we all have very different pulls on our time. Some people may have caring duties, single parents, some people have a lot of help while some have none at all. All manner of time constraints. But I absolutely agree with you about planning. Planning for the time you have, planning for the life you have and the life you want. Planning for looking after you.