While preorders are critical, anytime a friend has a book come out I prefer to get it IN the store that day to: 1) ensure some launch day foot traffic to show demand 2) tell the staff they're either low on inventory or (in this case!) SOLD OUT and clearly need to reorder fast! 3) make the store aware of the title if they never stocked it Today was pub day for these 3 titles, all of which I now happily have in my apartment and can't wait to dig into: - Daisy Auger-Domínguez Burnt Out To Lit Up - Adriana Carrig The Power Of Little Words - Terry Szuplat Say It Well I'm lucky enough to be attending book talks for all three so posts about each will likely follow... And for now, highly recommend following each of these authors (and all around incredible humans!) as you'll see some of their posts about their books and more. And if like me you're hoping to write your own non-fiction masterpiece, one more related launch from today: Fran Hauser and Bethany Saltman, cohosts of the insightful BookBound podcast, launched their substack today. It is full of incredible tips for all aspiring authors. Highly recommend subscribing! Happy reading and/or writing!! And if you know of any other books w/ pub dates today or in the near future, please share below so we can all support!
Chief People Officer | Advisor | Board Member | Author | Speaker | University Trustee | LinkedIn Top Voice | Ex-Moody's, Time Warner, Disney, Google, Viacom, and Vice Media HR Executive
When your friend shows up at Barnes & Noble, Inc. on Union Square the day before pub day, grabs the last copy of Burnt Out to Lit Up, and cheekily asks them to order more… that’s the kind of energy I’m here for! 😂📚 Thank you Sally Wolf for being such a supportive and kind friend. Huge thanks to everyone who’s already snatched up their copy! If you find those shelves looking empty, don’t be shy—ask for more! 😉
This is so awesome, Sally Wolf. I love how you celebrate and encourage others. And love knowing about these titles!
Your a fantastic supporter! Great idea! And if you need a beta or advanced reader when your book comes, sign me up!
Sally Wolf: Way to spread the learning and the love and support your friends. I know just where to come once I listen to BookBound—another great recommendation, btw—and write my oeuvre! And "Burnt Out to Lit Up" is such a genius title. Can't wait to look into.
Love this approach to supporting authors and local bookstores! Definitely going to check out these books and follow the authors. Thanks for sharing Sally!
That's a great strategy
Thank you so much for showing up for us today, and for all authors! Also, a huge shout out to Bethany Saltman, book coach extraordinaire! I couldn't have done it without her!
This is beyond awesome, Sally Wolf - your beautiful support of others is so inspiring and will come back to you in spades!
Thank you for the reminder! Great to know🎈
You're such a wonderful champion of others Sally Wolf and wish more folks had your spirit of generosity!
On a mission to fix what’s broken in our workplaces | Wall Street Journal & USA TODAY Best Selling Author | Thinkers 50 Radar List | Workplace & Culture Strategist | LinkedIn Top Voice
3moSally Wolf this how we support authors 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾