Our ambition is to be net zero across our value chain by 2040. And collaboration is key to helping all of us reduce our Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why we partnered with Manufacture 2030 | M2030, Ricardo plc and Haleon to create the Supplier Environmental Toolkit. The toolkit is designed to provide information to suppliers that can help them improve resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact in their operations, tackling topics such as carbon, water and waste. It doesn’t matter if you are one of our suppliers or not, this toolkit can be used to upskill your business. Combatting climate change is a collective responsibility. Read more about the Supplier Environmental Toolkit here: http://spkl.io/6048fX8kn Our 2030 Sustainability Ambitions are an integral part of our strategy. Read all about it here: http://spkl.io/6049fX8kX #ThisIsReckitt #NetZero #M2030
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Collaboration and shared resources like the Supplier Environmental Toolkit are essential to driving real progress in sustainability!