Innovation in the legal industry is hard, whether we are talking Big Law or a small firm, and having vision is only half the battle. I'm thrilled to present at next week's Legal Marketing Association #LMA24 with Lynn Tellefsen Stehle of Nexl and Amy Monaghan of Infodash discussing how to encourage law firm leaders to see your vision and go #ALLIN. During "Hit the Jackpot: Gaining Buy-in for Innovation," we'll lead an interactive session to help you analyze your key decision makers and poke holes in your concept before anyone else does. We'll also talk through your pitch and how to lead with the value to the firm as your change the status quo. See you there! If you haven't registered for the Innovation pre-con session, you're missing out! Register here:
This will be a great session! Wish I could see it and cheer you on!
My superpower is my ability to understand the vision, connect the dots, and drive a successful marketing strategy.
9moCannot wait to see you and catch up!