Tidbit for your Day | As we look ahead to our Co-Founder Stacy Morton Callighan coming back after maternity leave, we really appreciated Rachel Hills fresh, vulnerable, joyful, and very real reflection of her personal experience of being a working Mom in this Vogue article. "But the working mother, who exists somewhere in the middle? She rarely commands such a romantic narrative. Instead, she’s cast as the emblem of exhaustion: screaming into the ether, and crushed under the weight of challenges both systemic and deeply personal. These images are rooted in truth. The working mother does carry a heavy load, navigating systems designed for a reality that no longer exists. She balances work, family, and self in a world that too often feels indifferent to her needs. But to focus only on her struggles is to miss an equally vital truth: the joy that comes from holding two worlds in tandem, and finding pleasure and meaning in both."
Thank you so much for sharing!