The future of education!🧠 Meta and Apple are competing to change how we consume and interact with content. Augmented Reality (AR) stands at the forefront of this educational transformation. Imagine, instead of reading about chemical reactions in a textbook or watching a demonstration from a safe distance, students can now use AR goggles and witness these reactions up close, in real-time, and from every angle. They can interact with the elements, combine them, and see the reactions unfold in front of their eyes, all within a controlled, safe environment. I wish I had it when I was in high school! 🤔 By choosing to harmonize with technology, we become more human, we become IRREPLACEABLE. Join the IRREPLACEABLE Academy and read the Book: Source: Gen AI, INSIGHT HEART #augmentedreality #tech #innovation
The potential is amazing. The price is exorbitant. The cost of the device alone would drain a district. The cost of developing curriculum would be out of reach for most states. Then add that in previous and current systems, developers rarely think of the challenges to large enterprises like central mgt for asset, login, software rollout, and updating. I hope one day this is possible, but I suspect we are still a decade from this being feasible.
AR is a phenomenal practical way to learn. Very cool.
Votre illustration des possibilités offertes par la réalité augmentée dans l'éducation est fascinante. En parallèle, il est intéressant de considérer l'application de ces technologies dans le domaine médical, comme la visualisation reconstituée du cœur pour des interventions chirurgicales à distance. L'utilisation de modèles d'intelligence artificielle pour interpréter la santé des patients et assister les chirurgiens dans ces procédures promet de prolonger indubitablement la durée de vie des individus. Cette synergie entre technologie et humanité transforme non seulement l'éducation, mais aussi notre approche des soins de santé.
Impressionnant, déjà avec le cœur qu'en sera-t-il quand il s'agira du cerveau. J'ai lu que Google a un projet de télécharger nos cerveaux sur des serveurs et utiliser des algorithmes sophistiqués bâtis par l'IA pour les faire communiquer entre eux. c'est à dire dématérialiser toute la vie humaine et donc atteindre l'immortalité (sans nos corps). Tout cela me fait peur, que Allah nous protège de ces projets sataniques.
The advancement of technology is truly amazing. I’m equally fascinated with the human brain. Ive read that Over the course of a lifetime, scientists estimate that the modern human brain will hold up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information. Memory Capacity Of Human Brain: The average adult human brain's memory capacity is 2.5 million gigabytes. However, it doesn't run out of storage capacity, per se.
Wow, this really got me thinking! AR in education? That’s next-level. Imagine actually seeing chemical reactions right in front of you, not just reading about them. If we embrace this tech, learning could be way more immersive and fun. This is the kind of stuff that could make school feel more like an adventure. Imagine how much more we could learn and retain with this! Would’ve loved to have this in my school days. Anyone else excited about where this could go?
Absolutely! The integration of AR into education has the potential to revolutionize learning, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging. It's fascinating to see technology advance at such a rapid pace, yet our educational systems often lag behind. I am enthusiastic for a faster transformation in education, as embracing these innovations could greatly enhance the learning experience and better prepare students for the future. The possibilities are immense, and I look forward to seeing how educational institutions will adapt to harness these advancements effectively.
My belief that this tech will be built into a size similar to the current Wayfarer Meta / Rayban glasses. Oculus & Apple Vision are too clunky - tech needs to get smaller then will be mass adoption & change everything. We need AR to pick up first then VR will follow. As usually Apple jumped the gun ! Palmer Lukcy is already at Pluto now !
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4mo“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” – Albert Einstein. While AR in education sounds groundbreaking, I wonder if this heavy reliance on technology might actually hinder our ability to imagine and engage in thought experiments. Are we at risk of outsourcing too much of our cognitive processes to machines? How do we ensure that in our quest to harmonize with technology, we don’t lose the very essence of human creativity and imagination?