Ever heard of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear? This isn't just a book; it's a blueprint we live by at Hughes Marino. At our latest team meeting, we delved deep into the principle of improving 1% better every day. Why? Because small enhancements by each team member can eventually lead to massive gains collectively. This philosophy isn’t just theory; it's woven into the very fabric of our daily work. Every single day, we’re committed to being the best resource for our communities and clients. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it. Embrace the compound power of incremental gains! #JamesClear #AtomicHabits #TeamMeeting #ContinuousImprovement #ProfessionalGrowth
In our recent all-hands team meeting, we discussed key themes from one of our favorite books, Atomic Habits by James Clear. In his book, Clear shares the incredible story of the British National Cycling Team and how they went from being one of the worst teams in the rankings, to dominating the world championships. To reach their goal of becoming the best, they made every effort—big and small—to get 1% better every day. From choosing the most comfortable bike seat, to getting the best mattress for sleeping, down to painting the inside of their vans white so that they could keep their equipment immaculate, the team left no detail untouched so they could get better, bit by bit, at their craft. In the end, the team won 178 world championships, 66 Olympic and Paralympic goal medals, and five Tour de France victories over a span of only 10 years. This dedication made them one of the most successful cycling teams in history. Our HM team often talks about the concept of how getting 1% better each and everyday compounds to improving by 37x over one year—a similar concept to what the British cycling team did. #JamesClear #AtomicHabits #TeamMeeting