APM Project Risk Management Level 2 is designed to determine an individual’s knowledge, understanding and capability in project risk management sufficient to allow them to confidently undertake formal project risk management. ⭐️It’s therefore a testament to our new cohort’s dedication to their learning during their time in the optimise Academy and moreso their new found ability to apply that learning to APM L2 standards in less than 3 months into their Risk Management careers. 🎉A truly outstanding achievement that we simply can’t under-value. So, huge congratulations go to Charlotte Davies Ben Halewood and Oscar Hartley for this amazing achievement. We have truly been blown away by your work ethic. We are also proud of optimise Academy for maintaining a 100% pass rate for a third cohort. 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 #RiskManagement #ProjectRiskManagement #APMQualifications #CareerDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth #LearningJourney #optimiseAcademy #SuccessStory #Congratulations #Achievement
Wohoooo well done Charlotte Davies ! 🥳
Associate Director - Business Development
2moWay to go guys! Absolute superstars 🥰⭐️