Happy Manufacturing Day! MFG Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October each year, and it is dedicated to showcasing the significance of modern manufacturing across the U.S. It was established to correct common misconceptions about the industry and to spark interest in manufacturing careers among students, job seekers, and the broader public.
On MFG Day, manufacturers nationwide open their doors for tours, demonstrations, and events, offering a behind-the-scenes view of today’s manufacturing. The aim is to show that manufacturing has evolved beyond outdated, manual labor—it’s now a cutting-edge, innovative, and sustainable sector that plays a critical role in our economy.
At AMT, we see firsthand how manufacturing strengthens our community, creating well-paying jobs, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. We’re proud to be part of a region with a long-standing history of manufacturing excellence. Today is about honoring that tradition while looking ahead to the future.
As we mark this important day, let’s remember that the true strength of manufacturing lies in its people. By working together, we can build on this foundation and ensure that the Southern Tier remains a hub of innovation and opportunity for years to come.