#DenysTunnelling • Celebration of Santa Barbara in Madrid ✝️ 💐 On Wednesday 4th of December, the teams of Denys, EUROHINCA, ASCH INFRAESTRUCTURAS Y SERVICIOS S.A. and Marco Obra Pública, S.A. traditionally celebrated Santa Barbara in Madrid. Santa Barbara is the patron saint of miners, tunnellers, and other underground workers. There was extra reason to celebrate, with the 1000th ring built in the same week. This means the tunnel has reached over 1250 meter of the total 4500 meter tunnel length. The project of Colector-Interceptor de Pozuelo de Alarcón will intercept 4 streams in the Madrid suburb of Pozuelo the Alarcón, in order to prevent flooding. Wishing all tunnellers around the world a happy (belated) Santa Barbara! #teamdenys #teamupwithdenys #dodreamers #jointhedodreamers #braveboldbright #jobsinconstruction #morethanbuilding #movingforwardtogether #tunnelling
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