#DenysSmartBuildings #DenysResRen• The iconic De Sigaar in Elsene is back to its full glory. Designed by renowned architect Renaat Braem in the 1970s, this elliptical VUB building has been given a new lease on life. Denys repaired and restored countless amounts of concrete in-house, renovated the façade and a large part of the woodwork, replaced all the building's technical systems, and completed the interior finishing as well. And what about the oval staircase that spirals round and round (and round), but needed to be brought up to modern day safety standards. From the meticulous restoration of the building’s concrete, to sourcing original tiles from Spain and handcrafting the iconic lantern on the roof, our multidisciplinary team took care of every detail. We’re proud to have worked with ORIGIN ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING and Vrije Universiteit Brussel on this very agreeable collaboration. 🙌 📷 Régine Mahaux #teamdenys #teamupwithdenys #dodreamers #jointhedodreamers #braveboldbright #morethanbuilding #movingforwardtogether #VUB #VrijeUniversiteitbrussel #VubAlumni