While tidying up my computer, I came across a survey result that asked the people of Vilnius about their preferred way of traveling if they had no constraints. The number of people who would love to travel on foot (39%) and use public transport (19%) is fascinating! Traveling by car comes in at 16%, while 12% would prefer biking, and another 6% opt for e-scooters. These insights highlight the need to build a better city that supports these preferences! Yet, the latest modal split survey shows that only 16.5% of trips are made on foot, 26% choose public transport, 4.5% bike, and still 51% are car trips. There's still so much to be done. But preferred travel modes show that ideally (without constraints of cost, travel distance, sprawl, etc.), the car wouldn't be people's first choice. That's an assuring thought. *I found this result print-screened of survey (I guess it's from 2023 but might be from 2022) commissioned by JUDU and realized I had completely forgotten about it until now!
Thanks for sharing, Anton - maybe we should all clean up our computers once in a while ;-) I think it is a super interesting question to ask. Did you follow up by asking why people cannot always choose their most preferred option, or what they think can be done to better accomodate the needs of pedestrians and public transport?
Well, let's work with Jim Walker at #walk21 to bring their annual event here to Vilnius!!
o tyrime bent kiek buvo bandoma tikrinti melagius? juk akivaizdu, kad čia didžioji dalis atsakymų yra primityvus "norėčiau", bet "nei galiu, nei noriu"
What's the point of asking how people would travel under " ideal conditions" when that will never happen. A question about nothing, except to write a PR post.
Hi! What's the best way to include motorbikes and E-bikes into the equation? I guess, particularly during warm months, they make a big difference in how people choose to move around the city :)
Love this. Most important is that we are on the right track.
Sales Specialist at Forveda
6moAnton, I can share other survey results from 2023. 1061 employees from one of the largest Vilnius companies which is located in the Center of city provided their answers on the question "Kokiu būdu dažniausiai vykstate į darbą / How do you usually travel to work?" Amount of interviewers is very close to yours, so we can compare Wishes vs Reality: