pleias’ experience training a 1B model highlights that TractoAI is a great option for AI teams aiming to create sophisticated workloads on Nebius. #casestudy #training #1B #opensource #LLMs
Big news from the world of AI and model training! 🚀 At Tracto, we’re working to make serverless compute accessible to every AI builder. Want to see what’s possible? Pleias, a foundational AI research lab, trained a 1 billion-parameter language model on Tracto. They used our GPU-powered platform to process massive datasets and run their model training—no infrastructure headaches and parsing thru K8s config files. Read the full story here: Drop me a note if you are curious about what we're building. Onward!
I wonder how much power you are using with your GPU models. And how many models you would need to create and train. Bolt-on.