Last week I attended a 5-day Technology Entrepreneurship Bootcamp conducted by the Department of Engineering at the University of Exeter
Congratulations to the winning team Gelsica Da Glória MSc, Sebastian Pihl Michelleanna Kusi-Boateng and Amanda Sperandio
My Team - OptaVis received a special mention - Deepak Jha, RUPESH KUMAR, ABHILASH GOWDA, @Juliet s.
I wish I could share the detailed highlights of each day :/
But here is the recap of all 5 days
Day 1 - The day started with an overview and introduction by Peter Melville-Shreeve, Lecturer in Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Professor Voicu Ion Sucala, Head of Engineering, Gigi Wang, from UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET)
Gigi Wang talked about her journey from an investor to teaching and mentoring entrepreneurship globally. She discussed the key differences between inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset, She also introduces us to the Berkeley method of entrepreneurship (BMOE) & the Berkeley Innovation Index,
Later Raphael Dennett took the session on "Speaking with Impact" where he shared tips, tricks, & frameworks on how to deliver a great presentation."
Before lunch, student pitched their ideas & afterwards, they recruited the team
Will Line, Shared an inspirational Journey & Talked about product market fit
The day ended with Pizza at the Old Fire House ,a cool aspect of our bootcamp
Day 2 - Focused more on learning - Customer-Centric Product Design, Identifying the customer and developing a solution targeting their needs, Go-to market strategy, Innovation in Value Extraction
Value Exchange challenge - where we needed to exchange the pencil for something more valuable.
Market Validation by Emily Davies
Day 3 and Day 4 are filled with activities, talks & insights
Now the team are formed and we need to work on Presentation and pitching to investors turn by turn and get feedback.
It was dedicated to Investors, mentors and practising the pitch getting feedback
Day 5 - The Pitch Day and Guess what we were doing last night? Playing table tennis—after practising for the pitch, of course.
After pitching, we presented our reflection slides on team members, the boot camp, and learning; it was one of the best sessions. Everyone was very innovative & creative.
Wishing all the best to my new friends, Future Leaders & Entrepreneurs, Innovators Alper Nedimoğlu, Stanislaus Chandra, Ahmed Almehaisen, Leonardo Lima, César Medina, ALI KAISSY, Ahmer Najar, Aarti Ramchand, Janhavi Arora, Jakub Broome, Shrinithy Parthasarathi, Danson Kimathi, Rory Lawless, Paula Ionita 🍡 ,
Thank you To all the mentors, speakers, Investors, Judges and Faculties
Niki Roach, Ceri Howells, Pratheeba Vimalnath, Andi Stan, Sarah Bunney, Patrick O’Connell.
Thank you is not enough to appreciate your time & feedback
Special Mention to Adam Davidson for his support and guidance.
Amber Strong for the opportunity & organising the Bootcamp.
Program manager and mentor | ScanAgile organiser | Head of operations | P3express Practitioner | Kanban Management Professional
1moCarmo Requejo is a great mentor who taught us so much about goal-oriented research, making it practical and easy to understand. She also reminds us how important it is to stay humane and maintain personal connections throughout the process.