Dhanteras, also known as Dhantrayodashi, marks the beginning of the 5-day Diwali festivities. It's a celebration of prosperity, wealth, and good fortune.
1. Worship of Lord Dhanwantari, the god of health and medicine.
2. Purchasing valuable items, especially metals like gold and silver.
3. Cleansing and decorating homes.
4. Lighting diyas (earthen lamps).
1. Cleaning and decorating homes.
2. Worshiping Lord Dhanwantari and Goddess Lakshmi.
3. Lighting diyas.
4. Buying new utensils, jewelry, or other valuable items.
"May Dhanteras bring prosperity and good fortune to your life."
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2moMay every light of Diwali illuminate your path and bring happiness and prosperity. May this festival be filled with joy and peace. 🥰