This resonates so much! - It reminds me also of those moments where, years later, you meet someone that you coached and they tell you of the moments where your work with them brought precious insights 😊 #createtheconditionsforsuccess #balanceinleadership #everydayleadership
"If I'd known people were going to say all these lovely things about me, I would have left earlier!" How often do people discover too late the extent to which they have been valued, that their qualities have been appreciated, their capabilities admired, that they had influenced others' lives in a meaningful way ... ? One of the greatest responsibilities we have in our leadership is to create the conditions for success - the success of our shared endeavour. When people feel seen, they grow. They contribute to success. It's simple. Why wait? What do you need to say NOW to the people you value? #engenderingbalance #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #balanceinleadership #qualitiesofpractice