Growth at many SaaS companies is decelerating, even stagnating. How are they trying to solve their problems? Spending another fortune on sales training, of course. They still don’t get that ➡️ New customers are more reluctant to buy no matter your efforts ➡️ You can acquire a customer only once but growth them 5-10x their initial size ➡️ The best SaaS companies make 90% of customer revenue after the initial sale The most powerful growth engines available to SaaS companies are their Customer Success Managers. They are the driving force behind 🔥 renewals 🔥 expansions, up- and cross-sells 🔥 referrals 🔥 winning customers for life 🔥 successful price increases and yet they receive the least amount of education and training. While the role of a CSM is the most demanding one in the company because none else needs to have such a broad set of skills and knowledge. We are talking about ✅ Decoding Customer Value ✅ Operationalizing Customer Value ✅ Delivering Customer Value ✅ Measuring Customer Value ✅ Demonstrating Customer Value ✅ Monetizing Customer Value and complementary abilities like ✅ Identifying why customers really churn ✅ Reverse-engineering accurate ICPs ✅ Determining additional customer needs (roadmap) Stop acting like you are selling legacy software locking in customers forever. It has never been easier to switch to a competitor. Start investing in the people keeping and growing your customers. PS: Here's how I can help --> #saas #customersuccess #customervalueledgrowth
Love this insight! To amplify growth, consider leveraging predictive analytics to customize user experiences in real-time, diving beyond traditional A/B testing into multi-variant A/B/C/D/E/F/G testing for nuanced insights.
As much as it is funny, it is also a very sad post, Markus! You've pinpointed the reality so well. How can we make senior management teams and boards see this?
Senior Customer Success Manager at Preseem (By Aterlo Networks)
8moMarkus Rentsch if you do qualify opportunities/expansions/upsells within the customer base. How do you get the Sales Team involvement or should they even be involved? Should the opportunity just stays with the CSM? What do you think is the most effective approach?