25 out of 30 of the world’s top acquiring companies are from the US (the top 10 are all US-based). In the next 10 years we need to get a number of European companies to the point where they are the acquirers of choice for the best tech startups globally. Jonathan Roberts Oliver Holle Lisa Sorg Niklas Zennström Thorsten Claus Nina Fichtl Steffen Wagner With 22 successful exits from our portfolio so far we have seen both European and US buyers .. we'd love to see some more strong EU based buyers. What buyer countries do you typically see, my fellow investors?
Going forward, the trend may change to much greater activity in the Secondaries market, with PE researching and buying up similar companies, pooling, integrating and eventually IPOing a much larger entity. Much harder work, but much easier sell, and much much more profitable.
And we need the big players, which will acquire these startups.
Transatlantic Entrepreneur and Early-Stage Investor
8moDear Lukas, Your point is so true! Americans are forward looking and willing to pay the rice today for tomorrow’s success. European and Japanese companies are much more cautious, and therefore missing out on the best companies. Which does not prevent them from lamenting about the brain drain to the US and how Americans vacuum up the best European companies. Just pay a fair price… We also need a European alternative to Nasdaq. Hopefully in Switzerland!