I never really understood this because typically fresh grads are under the entry-level then you expect them to have that much experience under their belt that early on? It's unrealistic, don't you think? Despite them having internship or part-time experience, I don't think that suffice the unreasonable requirements these type of job recruiters are asking for. I understand how widely vast digitally involved jobs are but I think it is important to disseminate properly the responsibility per professional (eg. graphic designers, photographers and social media managers should be a separate job since most of the time it's not) but I guess it still needs to be considered that not all companies or properties have the liberty to hire a lot of people for those different jobs and that's totally fine as long as that is specified under your job description. I think I'm fortunate enough where my job is focused on what my job should entail yet still open to the overall responsibility of the department but I digress, my point is it's important that some recruiters shouldn't put so much requirements like that and it should labelled more as 'encouraged but not required' but instead focusing on what the potential hire's skills set.
and that’s the tea 💅
ai + u > ai alone
3mo10 years of TikTok experience??? TikTok was launched in 2016 😭