⭐️ As I search for my next role in brand design, I’ve been reflecting on what truly matters to me in a workplace. Beyond the tools and tasks, it’s the culture, people, and the opportunity to contribute to the bigger picture that make all the difference.
Here’s what I’m looking for in my next role:
☝️ A culture of respect and growth, where individuality and creative freedom are celebrated
✌️ A team of designers, where constructive critique is part of regular communication
🤟 Purpose-driven products shaped collaboratively by a team of professionals—not just by a single mastermind
I’m not just looking to create pretty pictures—I want to be part of a team where I can contribute to strategy, drive the brand’s evolution, and ensure every design decision supports a clear and impactful purpose.
For me, working in a team means faster growth and higher quality—we build on each other’s skills, share energy, and achieve greater results together. I thrive on exchanging ideas, giving and receiving critique, and growing alongside others.
If you know of opportunities that align—or if you’d like to chat about design, strategy, or building great teams—let’s connect! 💛
Portfolio: https://lnkd.in/eeNBEFZx
CV: https://lnkd.in/ev-ztMfw
#JobSearch #BrandDesign #CultureFit #StrategyAndDesign #TeamCollaboration #DesignCareers #HumanCenteredDesign
Brixton Finishing School Alumni 2024
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