RECRUITMENT MARKETING EXCELLENCE.... Another quality case from Universum in the UK.
One of the measurements we track in our clients' social media campaigns, is *video thru-play*.
We monitor at which quarter point of the video, the viewer drops off. It's a great test of video quality, relevance, length and story resonance.
In one campaign update this morning; sharing first 2 weeks' progress on a new campaign; we were able to share the following stats across 3 paid-social videos on LinkedIn, and I'm focusing on one here.
The lowest completion rate of the three, was 24%, and the one below, focused on a senior female leader, created a whopping 32% video completion rate. (The video is 22 seconds long).
LinkedIn's latest report on video thru-play benchmarks for paid advertising in the UK is... 1.90%.
We nailed it. Again.
1️⃣ The content is well planned. We built the content and narrative from EVP through to candidate resonance, and crucially the video production, in terms of engaging feel, is superb.
2️⃣ The Universum data-led targeting methodology, means the source audience is optimal, and therefore the algorithms are fed correctly for greater relevance, and therefore better engagement potential.
3️⃣ Channel optimization: we assessed how each video in the campaign would work within each of the channels - and played to the audience signals in our research, and put the right content in the right platforms.
4️⃣ The hero in the video is real, she's capturing real-life values against career aspirations. In fact all 3 of the videos used for LinkedIn do this really well. Career focus, *individual* human values = people we can relate to. 🥇
It's early in the campaign, and we will be starting to tweak the optimization over time, from awareness narrative, closer to conversion in this case... and therefore evolving our metrics focus; but what a wonderful set of results yet again to another great campaign from our team. 🌟
Drop me a message if you want YOUR social media campaigns to look this good... 😎
#SocialMediaMarketing #RecruitmentMarketing #EmployerBrand #Universum
Suzanne Hutchings, Karolina Edman, Isa Wurie, Valeria Fjellander, Claes Peyron, Per Karlsson
Sr. Customer Success Manager @ Radancy | Reporting & Analysis
1wVery informative, well said and right on target