I stand in the que of a unique and vibrant local food service store and look around, soon to be lost to the community, it feels different, something has changed in the past few weeks since my arrival in what was a small rural Otago town, now bustling with growth, imminent closure looms, I ask if there is any not “not” closing and the woman at the counter gave an emotional response, all hope is lost, nothing more to do, 10th January she says, the CEO has been, we talk some more, the guy in South Africa likely doesn’t even know, I notice the sad little donation pig, written in black marker “Staff End of Med Market Party”. I am curious, hidden behind the veneer of the “Mediterranean Market” is a global corporation, its website talks about vison and values, of corporate strategy, of its customers on a global scale, of acquisitions and its people. If I would have it a guess, I would say the lease is up, much waxing and waning, this store simply does not fit, no room for growth year on year, not our core business, on a global scale, not significant, only 30 people after all, they have been consulted. A step too far, a legacy acquisition in 2006, our customer is not the customers customer, we are a wholesaler, you can apply online. What if this store didn’t have to fit, what if it simply had to pay its way, what if your people could experience your valued customers customers, what if they could be immersed in the end to end value chain, what if managers and valued staff from around the globe came to this place, what if the store actively engaged and shared culinary experiences, what if this place became a centre of excellence, a corporate destination, what if you dabbled on the fringes of the corporate box, the place where magic happens, what if I followed up on my promise to email the CEO, what if not “not in a position to change our proposal” became a conversation, a revelation of an opportunity lost. Full disclosure I have no vested interest, I spent $34 in store, four items were 50% off, I am savvy enough to know the difference between best before and expired, been back again today for bagels, the little donation pig looks back at me, these things are complex, new to town and soon to be looking for a new bagel shop, perhaps in the prime consented development opportunity down the road where consumers live.