Here in the South, we have a thing for front porches. There’s nothing better for welcoming friends and neighbors (or spying on them!) than a wraparound porch. So here’s a question…if your credit union or community bank’s website were an actual front porch, what kind of message would it be sending onlookers? Would it be the spooky house no one has visited in 10 years? Or would it be the well-loved hangout destination with fresh iced tea for a weary wanderer? The reality is, your website IS your front porch. How you handle it determines if consumers stay awhile, or get out as quickly as they came. #creditunions #communitybanks #websites #userexperience
Until the beliefs of leadership teams change... nothing changes.... and the doors of the digital house remain locked. As a result... they lose millions of loans and deposits due b/c of unseen blind spots in their customer/member journeys. History is the best teacher. The clock is ticking. Tick. Tock.
Senior Advisor specializing in Credit Union Analysis and Strategic Consulting
2moI worry for many CUs, it would be the house no one noticed. Neither spooky nor beloved—it simply blended into the environment and never caused you to turn your head to notice it.