Great discussion today with a few members of Executive Leaders for Advisory Boards — a group that shares a passion to help companies overcome their strategic, business development, organizational and board level obstacles. Thanks Michael Brozzetti, Gerry Lantz, Mark Hassenplug, Dave Taddei, Ron Schlecht, René Smith, Bruce Rubin for sharing you expertise and networking!
What an amazing group of leaders that we should all get to know and share sucesses.
I am sorry I missed this luncheon. It's an outstanding group of executives that serve in the Executive Leaders for Advisory Boards and these luncheons gives everyone a great opportunity to get to know each other better.
Great to see everybody today and chat about the projects, ventures, and advisory positions we’re all working on!
A great meeting and the discussions were a learning experience for all of us. Hopefully there will be a few more people at the next event. Great location for the meeting as well.
It was great to reconnect with old friends and meet a few new ones! Thank you for a great lunch.
This was an especially thought provoking discussion and lunch. Top class strategic thinkers and with loads of in the trenches experience. I'm always tempted to take notes!
Technology Executive & Board Director | Growth Projects
9moAfter 10 years and countless engagements with my rockstar colleagues, we are still discovering more areas of expertise to tap into for our companies.