Over the past week, the World Urban Forum hosted their twelfth session, with the theme "It All Starts at Home".
As cities face the challenges of climate change, they are also uniquely positioned to lead the change in creating sustainable, resilient, and environmentally minded communities. Unfortunately, the impacts of the climate crisis weigh most heavily on marginalized communities, who are often at the highest risk of facing climate disasters, health risks, food insecurity, and water scarcity. This leads us to talk about the second dialogue, "Cities and the climate crisis", and the importance this holds to us at Dream Networks.
To drive effective climate action, we must involve and amplify the voices of marginalized groups—including women, persons with disabilities, the poor, children and youth, older persons, and minority communities—we can develop solutions that are both inclusive and impactful.
A recent project by Dream Networks provides example of localized action in action. In our Playful Engineers programme, through interactive workshops, children from local primary and secondary schools explored how engineering can help tackle sustainability challenges. Led by volunteer engineers, these young minds identified local climate issues, then used design tools like modelling and CAD to develop creative solutions.
The final result? A public exhibit that transformed spaces in London into welcoming hubs of innovation. The children’s ideas occupied these spaces and showcased how every voice—even the youngest among us—can play a role in addressing the climate crisis.
The impact was inspiring:
“It made me feel like I would change the world.” — Student participant
Over 1,000 community members experienced the exhibit, and our young participants demonstrated how powerful locally-led, community-driven climate action can be.
#worldurbanforum #wuf12 #digitalera #communities #play4all UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)
See below to read more about the impact of our Playful Engineers project:
Industrial Designer, Design Educator, Writer
2dBravo Lucia!