🎙️ Deep dive into episode no. 2 of my experimental L&D Podcast: Continuous Learning Culture. Disclaimer: AI was used in the generation of this content, even though it’s based on my own original thoughts. It’s a bit experimental, so please be critical. Yesterday, I posted about the possible ramifications the use of this technology may have. ☝️ Today, I try to use it to create meaningful content about a topic that is dear to me: a continuous learning culture. I think this “podcast episode” turned out quite well. Here and there, the AI inserted ideas that were not present in the original content I provided. While I like some of them, I would definitely remove others; at this time, however, the tool doesn’t offer any editing capabilities. 🤔 Sometimes there are subtle inconsistencies that are more difficult to spot. Like when one of the voices is introducing an idea and the other voice reacts surprised, only to take over to explain that same idea a moment later. It’s definitely engaging. 👇 Please let me know what you think. I’ll continue the experiment and keep you posted. #land #learninganddevelopment #AI #EdTech #LearningCulture #LifelongLearning
I noticed some of the glitches, but I'm still amazed. Great content, too. I'm a fan of having some "protected" learning time. And great point about the role of managers in supporting learning.
2moSpannend! 💡