The Supply of Makkah & Madinah in Numbers ( Hotels)
Makkah Hotels Supply
Beds 1,132,864 | Rooms 283,216 | Hotels 1437
5 Stars Hotels 9%
Beds: 103,248 | Rooms: 25,812 | Hotels: 44
4 Stars Hotels 7%
Beds: 77,840 | Rooms: 19,455 | Hotels: 36
3 Stars Hotels 20%
Beds: 222,952 | Rooms: 55,738 | Hotels: 212
2 Stars Hotels 9%
Beds: 105,156 | Rooms: 26,289 | Hotels: 125
1 Star Hotels 55%
Beds: 618,724 | Rooms: 154,681 | Hotels: 1018
Madinah Hotels Supply
Beds 347,568 | Rooms 86,892 | Hotels 532
5 Stars Hotels 3%
Beds: 29,152 | Rooms: 7,288 | Hotels: 17
4 Stars Hotels 3%
Beds: 22,240 | Rooms: 5560 | Hotels: 16
3 Stars Hotels 7%
Beds: 47,164 | Rooms: 11,791 | Hotels: 35
2 Stars Hotels 13%
Beds: 48,280 | Rooms: 12,070 | Hotels: 69
1 Star Hotels 74%
Beds: 200,732 | Rooms: 50,183 | Hotels: 395
With the current supply that we have today in the market, We can reach Ummrha season (Muharram-Ramadan) up to 25M visitors from outside the country with an average hotel occupancy of 88% (not including citizens, GCC, & residents).
Putting in mind the following:
-The number will increase with the increase of future supply.
-The number will increase by adding extra cities in the pilgrim's packages (to reduce the pressure in Madina and smoothen out circulation in Makkah).
-The number can increase if we have fine art segmentation linked with a customized seasonality chart for each targeted country.
we need more attention to feeding Umrah markets rather than more room supply unfortunately Makkah suffering from a serious pandemic MR ( (more rooms) less ADR and GOPs, and NOPs are severely impacted due to such an unbalanced supply and demand.
hope that we will all be able to establish a MAR in each territory in Makkah with surgical analysis to each district to help decrease the impact and create sustainable revenue streams for hotel owners and investors.
#hotels #travelgram #tourism #luxuryhotels #vacation
لكم سرمدي الود و أزلي الوفاء
عزيز اولياء
Cluster General Manager
1moso nice to see Lubna Qamar, my greetings to everyone