Some advice for you all. When arranging a meeting with new connection, and you agree to meet at a hotel, make sure you agree exactly what hotel. I am now sitting in Glasgow City Centre and connection sitting at same hotel brand but in Hamilton! You live and learn. #networking #121 #businessmeetings
This has happened to me when meeting in Costa, DESPITE having arranged which one beforehand. Pitfalls of literally having one on almost every corner 🤣
Gotta learn from these things Easiest way - pick a hotel that doesn’t have a few locations 🤣🤣
Yikes.. that won't happen again 🙏 Always a positive 💜
Hope you got there in the end Graham Scott
Happened to me last month! Easy mistake to make. Thankfully one was only a ten minute walk away for me.
Been there!
Great advice, Graham! 😅
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7moI recently had this when I booked a table at the Boat House, South Queensferry. Apparently, there's a slightly less picturesque Boat House in Edinburgh, which is where my guests went.