🔥 Moore's Law and How It Pertains to Orbitrap Technology🔥 The phrase "Moore's Law" implies something reliable and proven that happens all by itself, like the law of gravity, but Moore's Law is not a law in this sense. In a 1965 article in Electronics Magazine, Gordon E. Moore predicted an annual doubling in the amount of components that would fit on an integrated computer circuit. Because of Moore's Law, new computer models are consistently smaller, lighter, faster and more powerful than earlier models for the same price, with implications for almost every type of business. In the analytical world, i cannot stop myself to pertain the Moore’s law to orbitrap technology. The orbitrap technology breaks the boundaries of analytical chemistry. Refer to below, we found the Moore's law pertains to the past, current and future of the technology of mass spectrometry... https://lnkd.in/gpKDrnb7 https://lnkd.in/gaGPvYwr Mass spectrometry has played a pivotal role in the evolution of analytical chemistry, enabling researchers to identify and quantify molecules with extreme precision and sensitivity. Among the various types of mass spectrometers, OrbitrapTM technology has emerged as one of the most powerful and versatile platforms for chemical analysis. Orbitrap mass spectrometry has established itself as a versatile and powerful platform for chemical analysis, revolutionizing a wide variety of fields. The technology’s high mass resolution, accuracy, and versatility in identifying and quantifying molecules have made it unparalleled in the realm of analytical chemistry. In the ongoing IMSC event in Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from Aug 19, 2024 - Aug 23, 2024 (Booth C), you will get to learn more (if you wish) on scientific changemakers (Mass Spectrometry Technologies) which are helping to shape the future of the global scientific community — from compounds to clinics. https://lnkd.in/dq67ub8e I am a member of the #LBFalumni & #SkyHighTower #GORDONᴛAi #GORDONᴛAiOnMS
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4moTo learn more, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/orbitrap#:~:text=Orbitrap%2Dbased%20mass%20spectrometers%20are,%2C%20food%2C%20and%20safety%20analysis