#PortraitofaPerfumer : Leandro Petit “To tell the truth, there is no right or wrong in perfumery because fragrance is not an exact science.” Today, you'll be transported to Givaudan São Paulo to sit with Brazilian Perfumer Leandro Petit as he shares his vision on the science of fragrance creation. #PortraitofaPerfumer #LeandroPetit #GivaudanPerfumers #OneTeam #Perfumer #PerfumeBrazil #PerfumerStory #Fragrance #FragranceLovers #FragranceStories #Humanbynature
GRANDE Petit!!!! 👏
Parabéns Leandro Petit !
Research & Innovation | Jr. perfumer analyst | Fragrance Evaluator | Perfume Developer | Olfactory Perception | Applications 💄🧴🧼 | Raw Materials | Organic Synthesis | Chemist |Odoo user.
2dCongrats! Leandro Petit, Givaudan