OrangeSlices Fed Health reposted this The U.S. Customs and Border Protection) and FDA work side by side at all our ports of entry to prevent non-regulated, fake, or dangerous products from entering the US. The #CBP has been generous in sharing much of the data that #FDA systems and personnel use to inspect foreign packages, products and containers that may contain violative products. In many cases, the FDA uses the data provided by the CBP to recreate technology capabilities that are similar to what the CBP already has. In many of these cases, the FDA uses the same technology vendors and service provides to build these same capabilities! The CBP CIO (Sanjeev "Sonny" Bhagowalia) and I hope to explore opportunities to build an “FDA Profile” into CBP applications that provides the FDA with the limited access we need to the data and capabilities that the CBP has. This not only gives us near real time data, but the cost sharing and avoiding vendor "double dipping" would provide a win-win for both agencies and the nation. As simple as this idea sounds, it’s a lot harder to do such things in practice. These are the types of opportunities we hope to explore with this deepening partnership.
Congrats Vid Desai and Sanjeev "Sonny" Bhagowalia on this excellent interagency collaboration. Data sharing is so critical to the federal government’s mission and this organic approach is laudable.
Fantastic update, so exciting for both agencies
Wow! Congratulations, Sanjeev "Sonny" Bhagowalia and Vid Desai!
CEO & Founder | I lead a team of experts dedicated to helping technology leaders turn their strategy into action. | Your Strategy. Delivered.
3dThis is wonderful news and a great example of what is possible when agencies work together.