Expo West 2024 Breakdown, part 1....
So I went to Anaheim this year. Loved it- whatever steam Expo lost in Covid has been recouped, and if the year lacked any big, brag-worthy exits, it more than made up for it with so many fun, inspiring entrants. I love seeing old friends, and making new ones, and of course I love spotting the trends. So here are 15 stray observations from the floor of our grandest, goofiest, most gonzo trade show....
1 Unprecedented booths from Kraft and Goya, just selling Kraft and Goya stuff. I guess we're finally making an impression on the "Big Boys". I’m unsure if that’s a good thing.
2 While nearly ever available scrap of exhibition space was being used, an awkward number of no-show booths created dead spaces amongst the aisles. That can be handy when you need a place to chat that won't block traffic, but it's super awkward when you're exhibiting in a ghost-town. It also tells me that the year's hardships forced some brands to cut back on expenses. Or close entirely.
3 The Arena was sad this year. As sparce as the space was, it shouldn't even have been used at all (though it’s still better than Hall E, aka “The Dungeon”. Why DO people exhibit in that lightless, airless, claustrophobic basement?). The Arena boasted a "New Hope Store", with couches and coffee. Too bad it was miles away from any action, and even worse that whatever it cost could have been better spent elsewhere.
4 Fashion of the show: Rompers. Cute, colorful, and comfortable. Til you have to take the whole romper off in a public toilet stall that has in the passed hour been crime scene for 3000 attendees who've recently pumped themselves full of questionable probiotics....
5 Shwag of the Year: Big bags. BIG! Like, "big enough to canoe home in" big. Like, 'no parachutes left? No Problem, I'll use my tote schwag" big. Take THAT, New Hope's "One Bag of Samples" policy....
Rechtsanwalt und Notar
1wIm Jahr 2024 war ich zum ersten Mal und kurz entschlossen auf der EXPO REAL. Ich hatte keine Termine vereinbart. Deshalb ging ich davon aus, dass ich einige Stunden Freizeit haben würde. Die Turnschuhe sollten nicht fehlen. Den Weg zum Parapera-Bikes-Showroom in Ismaning hatte ich recherchiert. Aber: Kaum auf dem Messegelände angekommen, stellte ich fest, wie viele der Messebesucherinnen und -besucher ich kannte und wie leicht es war, neue Kontakte zu schließen. Einfach großartig! Einziger Nachteil: Das Parapera-Rad ist immer noch nicht gekauft...