⭐️ This just in ⭐️ Many people assume that Duolingo can’t match the effectiveness of in-person language classes, especially when it comes to practicing speaking skills. But a recent study conducted by university professors shows that learners using Duolingo improved their speaking as much as students in university French courses! 👏🏼 And now that we're developing new and interactive features including Video Call with Lily, learners will have even more opportunities for speaking practice. 👀 Read the full report here: https://lnkd.in/emnUuGmx #duolingo
Je suis en train d'apprendre le français, et je peux dire que j'ai déjà appris beaucoup de choses grâce à Duo. Il faut dépenser assez de temps à Duolingo s'il veut étudier une langue, et je crois que Duo est peut-être le meilleur application pour ça.
Effective Duo🔥🔥
Very interesting, although I think the quote is misleading. The report examined beginner-level learners, whereas most university French courses would not be for beginners, so this is an unusual comparison.
Very helpful
Well, we just know that it’s either French or the trench.
Very good! This future of the world education.
The video call feature is great 👍
Thank you for sharing!
My cat 🐈⬛ once told me that everything that stars with "recent study conducted by university professors" is made up and still people will believe it. Cats and birds are so much wise.