Here's a little lesson on the #EXPLOITATION of victims in the medical setting. The document I am sharing is the non-discrimination policy for Peacehealth Medical Centers. All Revision Dates 2/ 19/ 2024, 11/ 17/ 2022, 11/ 17/ 2022, 10/ 29/ 2019, 7/ 26/ 2016, 2/ 29/ 2016, 1/ 26/ 2015, 4/ 3/ 2014, 9/ 21/ 2012. Please notice the 2 revision dates on 11/17/2022. THOSE ARE A DIRECT RESULT OF MY EFFORTS AND FILING A 3rd COMPLAINT TO #PEACEHEALTH #CONCENTRATIONCAMP ABOUT NEED FOR ACCOMMODATIONS BASED ON MY DISABILITY STATUS THAT THEY HAVE NEVER GRANTED which is in their contact with Washington State Nursing Association. I am in posession of an apology letter after the 3rd visit and yet, my claim for damages that Peacehealth extended to me was DENIED? If I had a medical emergency, was unconscious or non-verbal and went back to #PEACEHEALTHCONCENTRATIONCAMP, I would lose my life as there is no safety plan in place to ensure I am not overdosed on medications I can't have, no education for staff on what happens to me neurologically in high states of stress or pain, and no security that I would be treated humanely. REVISION DATES SHOULD HAPPEN EVERY YEAR BECAUSE POLICY MANAGEMENT SHOULD BE CONSISTENTLY REVIEWED AND UPDATED. THIS DOCUMENT IS REALLY TELLING IN ITS GAPS AND SUPPORTS MY CASE AND EVERYTHING I SAY, "I've helped you tremendously, #AnnieCallahan; however, you have yet to do what is legally and ethically appropriate."
Concierge Manager at The Templeton of Cary
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