If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give us a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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If your credit score isn’t perfect, don’t discount yourself from qualifying for a home loan. There are mortgage programs, including conventional and government-backed loans, that are more forgiving with regard to credit score requirements. Although, this is not to say that a higher credit score wouldn’t benefit you. Higher scores can help you qualify for more loan types and a potentially lower #interestrate and monthly payment. If you have questions about your #creditscore and what your options may be, give me a call! 📞 *Not a commitment to lend; not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. Wolfe Financial, Inc, DBA Integrity Mortgage Group NMLS #69371.
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