Congratulations Crystal Hatcher, the winner of CUA's 2024 Holiday Wishlist Contest. In celebration of shopping locally, Crystal chose $50 for Le Bistro By Liz as her prize. 🎄 🎁 🎅 🛍️ #WishList #NovaScotiaBusinesses #ChristmasShopping
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Within 24 hours of launching the Surprise Sac at Join The Tryb we have had 5 orders! For some you might think that’s it?!? But for me, it is 110% a win! I am learning this process like most starting a business every little win is a big win! I WILL TAKE IT! Join The Tryb #surprisesac #founder #trending #emergingbrands
Packing a curated Join the Tryb Surprise Sac for a customer’s friend’s birthday. She picked the products and I packed it. Surprise Sacs are usually picked by us, but if you want something specific, let is know. We are happy to accommodate as long as products are available. #jointhetryb #surprisesac #trending #holidays Sherif Badawy Hotpot Queen
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Noticed your holiday parcels taking a bit longer during festive seasons? Check out these 3 reasons we've shared to know why this might be happening! To avoid getting your parcels delayed, be sure to plan ahead to keep the festive cheer flowing #postalforum #courierservice #courierissues #parcel #MCMC #tips #festive #shopping
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Get a chance to win a huge discount on your next dine-in🏏 Comment down your guesses. Guess the score Dube hits against DC and get the same as discount on your dine-in. If the guesses are not exactly the same as the runs hit, the guess which is the closest with 5 runs more or less will be the winner. For instance, if Dube hits 70 runs and you guess it right, you get flat 70% off on your bill.
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That's a wrap on 4/20, 2024! 💨 The team and I put some serious work into our campaigns for Holistic Industries, and I'm proud of what we delivered! Peep the video below to get a snapshot of how we honored 4/20 this year. #cannabisindustry #cannabismarketing
Holistic brought the heat this 420 for Liberty and our Brands. Liberty Pizzeria delivered so much fun at the dispensaries and the brands rocked—from the juiciest fruity vibes for Hellavated to the the Garcia Hand Picked Threads for Heads family-signed merch giveaway to the Avitas/42024 anagram to the Strane sticky magnet giveaway—Happy 420 to all who celebrate!
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Interested to see how this plays out, assuming it's signed. While I'm on the surface, I'm excited; it doesn't solve the underlying problem that exists in so many situations like this - demand exceeds supply. I see two [and a half] possible outcomes: * Reservation services and/or restaurants capturing this revenue for themselves in one form or another (charging significant premiums for reservations at certain times, strictly enforcing the need for the name given at the time of reservation to match the diner and changing large cancellation fees) * A never ending game of whac-a-mole and continuously trying to eliminate the black market without changing the business model of free reservations. Hard to say which I prefer. It's yet another example of how similar restaurants and box offices are.
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A Fantastic Start to Tea Mountain’s Christmas Markets! This weekend marked the beginning of Tea Mountain’s festive market season, and what a start it’s been! Trading at Hambrooks Garden Centre and the Love Southsea Christmas Market exceeded all expectations. Our Christmas blends, Mince Pie tea and Chocolate Orange tea, were such a hit that we sold out (don’t worry, a fresh batch is already on the way for next weekend!). The highlight? Sales at the Love Southsea market were up an incredible 18% compared to last year. Reflecting on why this might be, I’ve pinpointed a few key changes: - Better Stand Position: Location matters, and this year we secured a prime spot. - Improved Layout & Signposting: Clearer, more engaging displays helped attract attention and guide customers to our products. - A Year of Refinement: A full year of regular markets has allowed me to hone both the stall presentation and my approach to customer engagement. It’s especially encouraging to hear direct feedback. A couple of customers mentioned how much they liked the look of the stand and appreciated the welcoming atmosphere. (It seems not all stallholders can resist the lure of their phones or books!) A big thank you to everyone who stopped by this weekend – it’s always a pleasure to share my passion for tea and hear your stories. I’m optimistic for the weekends ahead and looking forward to meeting more tea enthusiasts as we continue this festive journey. Where will you find Tea Mountain next? Keep an eye out for our upcoming Christmas markets! #TeaMountain #ShopLocal #PortsmouthTea #ChristmasMarkets #FestiveSeason #SmallBusiness #CustomerFocus #ChristmasTeas
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Holiday favorites like eggnog and festive cocktails are here! 🎄 Smugglers helps you promote these seasonal hits and boost your sales this Christmas season. #LiquorStoreTips #CustomerService #smugglersio #smugglerssolutions #businessgrowth #efficientbusiness #businesstips #liquorstoresuccess #holidaysales #liquorstoretips
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Stop by to learn how we can help elevate your gifting programs and enhance customer loyalty.
We're ready! We've been hard at work curating the PAWFECT gifting solutions to wow your guests. Make a plan to stop at booth #432 and check out a few of our new ideas. Don't forget to 📅 Book your IGA meeting with us: BONUS: We heard whispers of Natasha McNamee spreading some barista ☕cheer this year!
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In these times, when the Norwegian national budget is presented, it is the time where everyone with a cause or opinion can step forward with discontent. In fact, a lot of people are paid to do exactly that. In one of the most privileged countries in the world. I would like to see politicians saying no more often, with clear, assertive prioritization of the most pressing issues (health, a sustainable workforce, defense, infrastructure, environment etc.). Not one party will do this, with the risk to disappoint voters, it has to be a cross-party realization over time. I have my opinions on taxes, but more important to me is how the taxes are spent to create value for as many people as possible. The story below is a narrative that could be explained to a 6-year old on how to show gratitude for the collective contribution and that we need to manage our discontent.
10 gode venner går ut for å spise middag sammen. Det spises og drikkes godt, og regningen blir på 10.000 kr. Siden det er stor forskjell i inntekt og formue hos de ti, ble de enige om å dele regningen på samme måte som skattesystemet: – De fire første (med lavest inntekt) betaler ingenting – Person 5 betaler 100 kr – Person 6 betaler 300 kr – Person 7 betaler 700 kr – Person 8 betaler 1200 kr – Person 9 betaler 1800 kr – Den 10. personen (den rikeste) betaler 5900 kr De 10 personene fortsetter så å spise middag på restauranten jevnlig og er fornøyd med oppgjøret på 10.000 kr og hvordan dette deles. En dag sier restauranteieren: – “Dere er så gode kunder! Jeg vil gi 2.000 kr rabatt på middagen deres fremover” En middag for 10 personer koster nå 8.000 kr og man skal fortsatt betale middagen slik skatten betales. De første 4 påvirkes ikke. De får fortsatt spise gratis. Men hva med de andre 6? Hvordan skal man dele på en rabatt på 2.000 kr slik at alle får sin del? De innser at 2.000 kr delt på 6 blir 333,33kr. Om man trekker det beløpet bort i fra alles regning så får den 5. og den 6. personen betalt for å spise, og det går jo ikke. Restauranteieren foreslår at det riktige vil være å redusere hver persons regning proporsjonelt. Han regner så ut hva hver person skal betale. Resultatet blir at nå får til og med den 5. personen spise gratis. Person 6 må betale 200 kr, person 7 betaler 500, person 8 betaler 900, person 9 betaler 1200 kr og til slutt den 10. personen, rikingen, som nå betaler 5.200 kr i stedet for 5.900 kr. Alle får en lavere pris enn opprinnelig regning, og nå får i tillegg 5 av personene spise gratis. Utenfor restauranten begynner likevel gruppen å diskutere. -“Jeg sparer bare 100 kr av rabatten på 2.000 kr ” sier person nummer 6 og peker på person 10 og sier: “mens han sparer 700 kr”. -“Det er helt riktig, jeg eier bare 1/10 av det person 10 gjør, og så får han 7 ganger så mye rabatt som meg, det er urettferdig” sier den 5. personen. -“Det er helt sant, hvorfor skal han som har så mye penger få 700 kr tilbake, når jeg bare får 200 kr? De rike skal alltid ha mest”, sier person nummer 7 i forbannelse. -“Vent nå litt”, sier de 4 første som spiste gratis. “Vi får jo ingenting igjen av prisreduksjonen. Dette systemet er laget for å utnytte de fattige og gir mest til de rike”. De 9 personene står nå og skuler sint på person nummer 10, og anklagene om å utnytte de fattige, om griskhet og egoisme, hagler. Neste gang de møtes til middag kommer ikke person nummer 10. Like greit, tenker de 9 andre, og setter seg til bords. Når regningen kommer, oppdager de noe rart. Det mangler 5200 kroner.. Originalt er denne historien minst 20 år gammel, med ukjent opphav. Likevel har den kanskje aldri vært mer aktuell.
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Nathan Byrd and Lacey Byrd to Host Breakfast Palooza on November 8, 2024
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