Four years ago, just before the pandemic started, I signed up to join a pre-IPO SaaS company. I started in April of 2020 as we all dealt with a new normal. I vividly remember weekly updates from our CEO (Ragy) describing how we were approaching things (defense— trying to save money; offense— where we were trying to grow revenue). As a smallish company that was not yet profitable, it was not an easy time (and none of us knew what would come in the months and years ahead). But I really appreciated how we were honest with our employees about where we were and where we were going. We had to do a restructure, but how we approached it was unique. We turned all of our recruiters into outplacement partners to those impacted. Ragy, after we notified everyone, did an all hands and thoughtfully explained the what, why and how we helped our people. This told me a lot about Sprinklr. Since that time, we have more than doubled our people and revenue, we went public and we our now profitable. There has been a lot of leadership change. Leading the HR BP team, my team played a large role as we shrank, grew, paused, then grew again. It has been a time I have learned a lot. I thank Diane Adams for all that I have learned from her. And I was so blessed to lead a team of great HR partners who balanced the business needs, the financial and legal considerations, and the impact on our people. I am so lucky to have worked with each of you. But now is time for me to take my next step in my journey. Deciding to leave was and is not an easy one. But I know it is the right time for me. Looking forward to what may come next!
It was a pleasure to be part of your team and your business insights were inspiring. Wishing you all the best with your next steps.
You have always been a huge inspiration in my life and I’m excited to see what you do next in your career!
Good luck with your next role and thanks for your partnership over the time.
New adventures await you.
Craig Stromberg it was a pleasure as always and looking forward to staying in touch.
Enjoyed being a part of it all, Craig Stromberg. Thanks for all the support
Thank you for being such a great manager, for your support and mentorship. It has been amazing to be part of the team that you have built, you will be missed!!
Global Sales Leader, Champion for Women at Work. Previously: Chief, Sprinklr
9moWas so great having you as a partner when we were at Sprinklr together. Hopefully our paths will cross again and I look forward to seeing what is next.