Week 3 of working on my startup full time! Here are the important things I learned this week: 1. 📖 Discovering the Power of Storytelling : I’ve begun to see how crucial it is to tell a compelling story about my company, not just to investors but to everyone. Being an engineer, I tend to geek out over the technical details of our product. But I’ve learned that it’s equally important to share the heart and soul behind our work - it really helps people connect and see why it matters. 2. 📈 It’s never to early for revenue projections : This week threw me a curveball with the need for early revenue projections, something I hadn’t thought of yet. A chat with a potential vendor made me realize its importance. Thankfully, with some help from my network and some great articles, I’ve put together a projection plan. The numbers are a bit intimidating, but I’m confident we can hit them with the right approach. 💸 3. 🔍 Make sure 3rd party vendors offer exactly what you need: It's become clear how important it is to know exactly what you need before engaging with third-party vendors. This understanding ensures that you don't settle for what's simply offered, but rather what truly aligns with your vision. This approach is vital to avoid signing contracts that might not meet your future requirements. Feeling nervous, but I’m putting my faith in God for this journey and trusting him through the entire process🙏🏾