Thank you for sharing Craig. Truth telling is crucial so people have all the facts. We know holistic appraisal of all the facts lead to better decision-making - half baked knowledge leads to biased conclusions. Interestingly, a paper was published recently that demonstrates that people have confidence in their knowledge when they only have half the facts and therefore make poor decisions. One of the biggest challenges we have as humans is to be interested enough in life/an issue to read widely and deeply before we make a decision. Otherwise, our naive biases are in charge of how we think and what we do.
Craig Foster AM LLB HonLLD. 419th Mantilda. 40th Captain. Member, Australian Multicultural Council. Adjunct Professor, Sport & Social Responsibility. Broadcaster. Social justice and human rights campaigner #SaveHakeem
‘You can’t have it both ways. You can’t take the credit, without also taking the blame..’ Some truthtelling from John Oliver on what was once a taboo subject in Australia, the historical legacy of the British royals. The UK is openly wrestling with this legacy and what it means today. Are we? Australia is still fighting each other, instead of moving on together.